How to Start a Gaming Channel on YouTube: Double Down on Successful Content

How to Start a Gaming Channel on YouTube: Double Down on Successful Content

In our series on how to start a Gaming channel on YouTube, we discuss why doubling down on your most successful content is the best strategy.

When it comes to starting a Gaming channel on YouTube, stick to your guns. There's two ways to look at this. First of all, stick to one game for a period of time so you build a rapport with your audience for a particular game, and a particular topic around a game.

I've seen so many channels play Need For Speed one day, FIFA 18 the next, then WWE 2K18 the next day. Your audience is just not going to know where you are on what you've decided on. It's too exhausting for them to keep up.

The second way to look at sticking to your guns is when you have successful content, double down on that strategy. If you find a particular secret, which is really interesting to your audience, find another way to look at that secret or something that's very similar.

You'll be able to use the VidIQ Channel Audit tool to see which is your best content over the last 30 days. Check on it on a regular basis and see if you can double down on more of that content.

More Gaming Channel on YouTube Tips:

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