How to Stand Out as a Creator on YouTube: TubeTalk Episode 165

How to Stand Out as a Creator on YouTube: TubeTalk Episode 165

Are you a YouTube creator trying to make your mark in an overcrowded space? In this week's TubeTalk podcast, we discuss how you can breakthrough and win those views, subscribers, and brand deals.

How do you stand out as a YouTuber when almost every single genre is being dominated by other creators? How do you can break into an industry and still make it?

In this week’s episode of TubeTalk, the YouTuber’s podcast, we're going to be diving right into that topic. If these are questions you've been wrestling with, then this episode is for you!

In this podcast you will learn:

  • How to make your channel and content stand out on a saturated YouTube
  • Why your personality is often more important than your content
  • How to develop your storytelling skills to build your brand
  • How to find your voice and develop as a creator
  • How not to take negative comments and feedback too personally
  • How to attract brand deals as a smaller YouTuber

Our guest this week is Sidney Diongzon, a creator that’s rocking the photography and videography content on YouTube, a space which is hugely competitive and ridiculously saturated. With nearly 82,000 subscribers on YouTube, he is quickly developing his reputation as a force to be reckoned with, and is attracting major brand deals along the way. How is Sidney doing that? And how is he getting those brand deals? Tune into the podcast and dive into his story!

How to Stand Out in a Crowded YouTube Space

Sidney realized early on that to stand out on YouTube you have to be you, because there's only one of him; there's only one of you; and there's only one of everybody. With so many millions of creators on the platform, viewers often gravitate towards you as a person and how your personality shines through. Your going to be sharing your tips, tricks or opinions, but you're doing it in your way.

Viewers often turn towards platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter because they want to see something different and something unique. If they see something that's not polished, or contains the odd blooper, that's relatable. Whether you're looking for a tutorial, or you just want to be entertained, I think people are just drawn to people, which is why I think YouTube is such a massive platform for that kind of stuff. YouTube is about entertaining, and informing, but mainly it's about you just being you.

Tune into this week's TubeTalk podcast to learn how to stand out as a creator on YouTube. Huge thanks to Sidney for his insights and advice - don't forget to subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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