How To Check Who Has Subscribed to Your YouTube Channel

How To Check Who Has Subscribed to Your YouTube Channel

Want to know who has recently subscribed to your YouTube channel? Check out this how to from vidIQ.

It's always a fantastic feeling when somebody subscribes to your channel. But the question is, who did it, and how big is their channel?

When you are logged into YouTube, you should see your channel logo in the top right hand corner of most YouTube screens. If you click on that, you have the option to go to YouTube Studio. This is currently in beta but will become the standard as 2019 progresses.

You’ll see the new creator studio channel dashboard and here you will find the new ‘Recent Subscribers Panel.’ If you click on the See More link, it will pop up into a full screen and show you 100 subscribers who have subscribed to your channel in the last 28 days.

Bear in mind that new subscribers who subscribed to your channel will only be displayed here if they have set their own YouTube subscribe account to public. And that's what you may have noticed by now, the subscriber list is organized by the size of the channel. There are two things you can do at this point, either click on the channel name to visit their page, or subscribe directly to the channel using the subscribe action.

Now if I worked at YouTube, I would have a couple of upgrades for this tool. The first would be to sort by most recent subscribers, and not just the largest channels, and I'd like to know how many videos they've watched on my channel, as well as how many comments they've posted on my channel.

Further YouTube Subscriber Insights

Now of course, I don't work for YouTube, I work for vidIQ, and we've got a couple of tools that will help you in subscriber analysis. Whenever someone posts a comment on YouTube, vidIQ will tell you how many subscribers the poster of that comment has. You can even set a filter to pick out channels with over a certain number of subscribers.

And if you want to take things to the next level, our Subscriber Analysis tool will tell you what other videos your subscribers watch on YouTube and what other channels they are also subscribed to. This will help inform you as to the type of content your audience enjoys, along with the best time to post new content on your channel.

Want To Get More YouTube Views & Subscribers?

If you want to take your YouTube channel to the next level then make sure to download vidIQ. It will help you research YouTube, analyze videos, audit your own channel, and take actionable steps click here to install now!