How to Start a Gaming Channel on YouTube: The Creator is the Star

How to Start a Gaming Channel on YouTube: The Creator is the Star

In our series on how to start a gaming channel on YouTube, we discuss how the creator must always be the star if you want more views and subscribers.

In the first part of our 'How to Start a Gaming Channel on YouTube' series, we're going to focus on the challenge that face gamers in 2019 with so much competition about. Now, if you're not a gamer, don't worry. Stick around because many of the strategies that we suggest to you are relevant for all types of channels. We're just putting it into the video game context.

Let's start with tip number one. The most important thing about your channel is not the video game you're going to cover, it's YOU. While the average viewer may find your content through a YouTube search or suggested videos, they stick around because of what you can uniquely offer to your audience. Whather that's through the humor that you have, the energy, the enthusiasm, or the passion. It's all about how YOU and your content makes your audience feel beyond any video game that you're actually playing.

Ask yourself two questions. Question #1: why do you go back to your favorite video game YouTubers? Is it because of the video games they're playing or because of the personality of the channel and that they connect with you directly.

The second question is, if they pivoted from the video game that you're interested in, would you still go to their channel, irrespective of what video game they were playing next?

For some of you this may be your first challenge. Get in front of camera. Talk directly to your audience while you're playing your video games. If you're not ready to do that then get behind the microphone so that people can hear you. You can maybe do a face reveal later on. The key element is making YOU the star of a channel, not the games that you play.

With that being said, the video game or video games that you cover on your channel are immensely important to you. The golden rule of any YouTube channel is that if you're passionate about the topic that you're covering, you'll be passionate about how you share it with your audience. And that always comes through in the videos that you produce.

More Gaming Channel on YouTube Tips:

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