First Ever YouTube Speedometer – vidIQ Velocity

First Ever YouTube Speedometer – vidIQ Velocity

It’s not an easy task to grow your views and subscribers organically and it has been a privilege guiding you in the quest for video marketing success.

We’re thankful that you’ve helped vidIQ grow to over 10k active weekly users since launching vidIQ Vision at VidCon last year:

In celebration of your support, we have added Velocity, our trending indicator, to the vidIQ Vision Chrome extension for all users.

No longer will you have to rely on total views and upload date to get a gauge on how fast a video is trending…

This would be like looking at your cars odometer to gauge its speed…

YouTube Odometer

With an average of 22M+ Views Per Hour (VPH) occurring on YouTube (numbers reported by Nielson), it’s important to understand where those views are being spent in real-time.

When you load a video, now you’ll be able to see its Velocity in Views Per Hour (VPH):vphcut

To give you an idea of how fast videos typically move:

  • 100-200k VPH is what the top 5 videos on YouTube are speeding along at
  • 250k VPH – peak of Caitlen Heller Twerking spoof
  • 650k VPH – PSY Gangnam Style during peak
  • 750k VPH – Budweiser Up for Whatever Commercial (day of Superbowl)
  • 1.2M VPH – Budweiser Puppy Love (day of Superbowl)

If it’s trending in a specific country we’ll also display the video’s per country ranking:


To explore the top videos from a specific category, or country, take a look at the Velocity Section for daily as well as real-time stats:

Top Velocity Videos

We’ve been using this tool internally for the last few weeks and hope you’ll like the sixth sense it gives you when working on YouTube. If you don’t have it installed, you can get started here.