Did Burger King Exploit Casey Neistat or did Casey Neistat Exploit Burger King?

Did Burger King Exploit Casey Neistat or did Casey Neistat Exploit Burger King?

Burger King created a shady social media campaign last week that has gained a ton of attention and upset a lot of social media influencers.

Last week on January 23rd 2019 the Burger King social media team started liking influencer Tweets from 2009 and 2010. They liked three of Casey's tweets and here was his response.

At the time of this Tweet he did not know that this was a trick Burger King was using to get influencers to give them free publicity and this single Tweet got over 13,000 likes. The truth was Burger King was using many influencers for a launch campaign. They are reintroducing funnel cake fries.

Shortly after that the truth came out from an article from Complex titled "the truth on why Burger King was liking your old tweets". Here is Casey's response video where he claims that Burger King Exploited him.

Our Question is Who Exploited Who?

On one hand you could say that Burger King used shady practices to get buzz about a new product launch. But on the other Casey took full advantage of this situation and tells Burger King to work with him for charity.

Infact they responded and seem to have agreed to his terms

Creativity For The Win!

No matter your opinion on the matter this all happened from a brilliant social media team. We are not saying what they did was the right thing but it did gain attention and start something bigger. For example we are blogging about Burger King and Casey on a Tuesday.

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