Happy 9th Anniversary vidIQ!

Happy 9th Anniversary vidIQ!

vidIQ is 9 years old TODAY! We'd like to thank each and every YouTube creator that has joined us in making vidIQ such a success 🚀🎉

vidIQ was born in San Francisco on 1st July 2011, which makes us 9 years old today and we're in the mood to celebrate 🎉 But first, a little backstory....

YouTube can be an intimidating and confusing place for a beginner - let's face it, it can be frustrating for experienced users too. The Co-founders of vidIQ, Rob Sandie & James Cross wanted to build a suite of tools that would not only integrate seamlessly into the creator's workflow, but would decipher complicated data and analytics into stone cold actionable takeaways.

The dream was to create a powerful tool so creators could have real time stats at their fingertips, and all the other insights they would need in one place. After 2 years of fiercely hard work, vidIQ launched to the public in 2013 with those goals in mind.

Features like keyword research so creators could determine the type of content audiences were looking for, and what keywords creators should use to title their videos. There was also an optimization scorecard so no video would be published without ticking all the boxes YouTube used to identify what your content was all about, plus a way to track your competitors to identify what content was (and perhaps more importantly, wasn't) working for them.

But that was just the start. Now the vidIQ app and tool has over 20 different features geared toward saving the creator time and giving them invaluable insights into how their content is resonating with their target audience.

Now available in 17 languages, the vidIQ Chrome extension has over 1M active users. These are creators that are eager and hungry to grow their YouTube channel and audience are partnering with vidIQ to do it.

vidIQ: Insights for Every YouTube Creator

Rob & James also understood the importance of guiding the creator through the best possible research, video creation, optimization, and upload, and analysis process, so a whole toolbox of guides and informational resources have been built around that aim.

We're thrilled to confirm that, alongside the Chrome and FireFox extensions, and the Mobile app, the following educational resources are available:

  • The vidIQ YouTube Channel has 617K subscribers & 39M views and is PACKED with tutorials and guides about how to succeed on YouTube
  • The vidIQ blog is bursting with information and news
  • Our TubeTalk podcasts features expert guests on every online video topic
  • The vidIQ Academy is full of training courses that take a deep dive into subjects like keyword results, how to create the best custom thumbnails, and how to make money on YouTube.

We'd like to thank each and every creator that has joined us in making vidIQ such a success. We are so invested in your journeys, and take immense pride in your own successes. We are humbled that you've chosen us to be your partner, and excited to bring you even more tools and resources to help you knock your goals out of the park. Here's to you 🎉🎉

If you'd like to know a little more about the vidIQ origin story, please take a look at the video below. It's pretty fascinating:

Want More Insights Into YouTube?

If you want more insights into YouTube then make sure to download vidIQ. Over 1 million creators use vidIQ to help with keyword and competitor research, channel audits, and so much more. Click here to install now for free!

And if you’re serious about growing your YouTube views and subscribers, sign up for exclusive access to the vidIQ Academy. Learn how to launch a successful YouTube Channel in just 30 days.