Top Trending Holiday Videos 2014

Top Trending Holiday Videos 2014

’Tis the season for racking up video views—we took a look at the creators/videos who are trending for the holidays this year using the vidIQ Search Companion.

Top Trending Holiday Videos 2014 | vidIQ

vidIQ’s Search Companion made it easy for us to put together a list top holiday in just a few minutes– the keyword research tool appears right on your YouTube search results page and reveals information on your search query including Top Related Keywords, Trending Videos, and Average Age of the videos.


We already put together a quick list of the best holiday keywords (see yesterday’s post), so we used them to find out what holiday videos are getting the most views right now. Results below:

Top 5 Holiday Videos Right Now (Watch them all)

  1. An unexpected holiday surprise #MakeItHappen (Microsoft Lumia, 6,700 VPH)
  2. Happy Holidays from WWE (WWE, 5,600 VPH)
  3. Merry Christmas from Rodney, Tom, and Mono (Joanne Gardner, 640 VPH)
  4. Hanukkah Explained By Christians (Buzzfeed, 640 VPH)
  5. It’s The First Night of Hanukkah (The Ellen Show, 446 VPH)

Keywords used: Hanukkah, Christmas, Happy Holidays, Holidays, and Merry Christmas (VPH stands for Views Per Hour)

All of this information is at your fingertips with the vidIQ Search Companion, available to vidIQ Pro and Enterprise users. Not a Pro subscriber? Find out more about our products and sign up here.

Happy Holidays! The vidIQ Team